More Losses Predicted for Infinity Ward


Industry psychoanalyst Michael Pachter blames the Infinity Ward enlargement for a recent slip in Activision's part value and predicts that as many equally 20 more employees could leave the studio over the following few months.

Infinity Ward has been buffeted by a series of high-profile resignations since co-founders Jason Rebecca West and Vince Zampella were recorded by Activision last month. The studio has lost senior personnel including the lead environment artist, lead software package engineer, a senior animator, a few programmers and, most painful of all, every lead story designer who worked on Modern-day Warfare 2.

In spite of Activision's best efforts to rest insouciant, the raft hegira appears to be taking a toll: The company increased its guidance for the financial quarter yesterday, thanks in super part to the release of the Modern War 2 map ring, simply its share Mary Leontyne Pric nonetheless dropped by nearly two percent. Psychoanalyst Michael Pachter believes the loss of Activision's prize horse may be making investors nervous and helium doesn't think the bleeding will stop anytime soon.

"We think that recent Activision share impuissance has been combined by additional departures at Eternity Ward which accelerated this week, and we expect another 10-20 employees to depart over the next few months," he aforesaid in an investors note.

He doesn't expect the situation to take have much of a semipermanent impact, however. "The troupe will prospective replace the at rest employees with skilled developers," atomic number 2 said, "and while increased competition may impact sales of future versions of Modern Warfare, we expect the company to put out a competitive product."

Source: GameSpot


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