Meet the Trumps From Immigrant to President Film Reviews

Meet the Trumps: From Immigrant to President (TV Movie 2017) Poster

1 /10

I am no Trump fan, merely this is a thinly veiled hatchet job.

I was sincerely interested to learn more than about Trump's background. Sadly, this was predictably hysterical in places and misleading in others. There was a place for his father's exploitation of commercial opportunities and accusations of racially profiling tenants, but when he was non found to have broken the law in that location is a limit to what tin be extrapolated, allow alone nigh the son(when by accounts he was expressly against the do). There might fifty-fifty be a place for Trump'southward belief he inherited special qualities, simply to get out the unsubtle whiff of something menacing is unjustified, peculiarly every bit it was continued to his brother, whom he has been zippo merely admiring of. It is important to hear from his critics, but when at that place are no admirers it is impossible to take the investigation seriously. I hoped for more and I call back there is more to understand, simply it will need to be explored past someone smarter and more objective that Frei, who is relentless in his pursuit of affirming his ain bias.

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1 /10

Waste of your fourth dimension.

This tells nothing of what he is or what he has washed to destroy American republic.

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viii /10

Objective & Insightful

I idea this was a very objective summary, showing both the good and the bad in the Trump family history. Most of the data seemed to be backed up with facts,and I did not perceive any bias in the telling of the story. Dissimilar other biased reviewers of this documentary, I found it to be both informative and entertaining.

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1 /x

I accept never seen a documentary then negative and single sided.

I wanted to see a documentary about Trump, non someones stance how how evil the man and his family is. This documentary is more for political ability than for history. If I wanted to be told how evil he is, I would open a paper. Co-ordinate to this, the whole family has never done one right thing and everything is most exploitation, racism and pushing America every bit a whole down the bleed. This is more of an stance story than a documentary.

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1 /x

Totally Biased with Every Scene

This is quite the Mockumentary. In that location is no objective textile in it, just anti-Trump slanderers doing their all-time hatchet chore on everyone named Trump, going back generations and making up stories with fiddling if any facts. It'due south no secret that Hollyweird turned against Trump once he ran for president and this pitiful sit-in is accented proof of it.

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1 /10

If zippo were an pick I would take given it a zero.

I was looking for an objective, unbiased, fact-based documentary. This movie is zilch more than than a farcical, political hit job. On the upside, I now know who produces movies that are called documentaries and I can avoid annihilation put out by these people. Additionally, I can avoid annihilation that calls itself factual still includes any of these "experts". Cheers for that...I estimate. Beyond this, I have naught positive to say. Don't waste your fourth dimension. Wait a few years and meet if an actual documentary comes out. You're welcome for the couple of hours I saved y'all. Caveat for reader: I did non vote for Trump, so I feel my review is apparent and unbiased.

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eight /10

Other reviews are a quite biased

I find the most of the other reviews posted i star considering they are fans of Trump. I did not find this that biased. I found it an interesting history of the family unit. Have watched several documentaries on Trump and this one covers the grandfather's history in more than item and I found it fascinating. It's very watchable and I saw information technology as more than of a historical groundwork on Trump'due south parents and grandparents than anything. Spotter it if you like family unit history. His father was an opportunist, but knew how to make coin. A trait he didn't pass on.

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ane /10


I couldn't help to notice that ninety% of the people they interviewed started sentences past saying " I believe, I retrieve, Someone said". You could tell from the first that information technology was a striking piece. Give thanks God he is our President......TRUMP 2020

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3 /10

One line in this "documentary" says information technology all.

When referring to Donald Trumps begetter edifice government houses the narrator says " The gist of the scam was, to charge more it cost to build the houses, then pocket the balance." Oh actually? Isn't that called making a profit? Was he to build the houses for free? Do any of u.s. go to work and expect no pay? His male parent was institute innocent of any wrong doing in federal courtroom. This documentary twists virtually everything the Trumps accomplished in this direction. I only give it 3/10 for its more than neutral beginning in describing the Trump family in the every kickoff.

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one /10

NeverTrumpers so-chosen "Documentary"

This Documentary started out neutral, as it went on the leftist hatred and bias shined through. It was riddled with stance and unsubstantiated rumors passed of equally facts. Total garbage! What happened to the unbiased presentation of data then that a viewer can class their ain opinions.

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2 /10

Better title: Hollywood hates Trump

Warning: Spoilers

Yes, we already know that. All nasty 'facts'. I so would dearest to run across a 'documentary' with merely nasty stuff on some of you Tinseltown folks. At present, THAT would be entertaining.

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1 /ten

Atrocious and biased

As usual, biased documentary that puts President Trump in the worst low-cal possible. How predictable. My review? Zero. Information technology'south a hit piece.

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